Sunday, May 10, 2009

Failure to Manage Risk

Impact of risk 

In addition to direct financial loss, 'risk event' could result in the bank to the other stakeholders, namely shareholders, employees and customers as well as economy. 
direct impact on the financial losses of its shareholders and employees 
does not directly impact on customers and the economy 

Impact on shareholders 

Shareholders can be affected by: 
Total loss from investment - the company bangkrutnya 
The decline in value of investments - stock prices can go down because of damage to reputation, or a decrease in profits 
Losses due to a decrease in the dividend the company profit 
Indemnification obligations - shareholders may be held responsible for losses that occurred 

Impact erhadap employees 

Impact on employees, among others: 
Turuannya discipline employees because of negligence or kesengajaan 
Loss of income, for example: a decrease in bonus or salary increase 

Impact on customers 

Impact on the customer can directly or indirectly, and possibly not directly identified. The impact can be long-term impact and provide for additional bank. Therefore difficult to calculate the total loss if a risk event involving the customer. 

Impact on bank customers, including: 
Decrease in levels of customer service 
Reduction in product offered by bank 
Liquidity crisis 
Changes in bank regulation 

Risk Operations and Customer Service 

In the event of an 'event plans' customers may be affected directly through: 
Quality of services that are less / wrong 
Dissolution → service-related technology 
Lack of security for customers 
There is no service at all 
This will affect bank profits because the customers will move to another place of business. This is important if the operational risk caused technical problems that affect thousands of customers. 

Impact of an 'operational risk event' to the next customer can cause financial losses for banks, namely: 
Payments to customers as compensation from the impact of indirect 
Cost of litigation 
Fines from the appropriate regulatory authorities

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