Risks categorized as Other Risk is:
Business Risk
Business risk is the risk associated with the competitive position of banks and the prospects for successful bank in the market conditions change.
Although the business risk is not included in the definition of the Basel operational risk, but this risk should be the focus of senior bank management and board of directors.
Risk business prospects include, among other short-term and long-term products and services that exist in the bank.
Strategic risk
Strategic risk is the risk associated with long-term business decisions by senior management of banks. Risk is also related to the implementation of the strategy.
Strategic risk and business risk is the same, but different time period and the importance of the decision. Risks associated with strategic decisions such as:
Business to what the bank will make investment
Business is to be acquired, and / or
Where and the extent to which business will be discontinued or sold.
Reputation Risk
Reputation risk is the risk of potential damage to the company due to the negative public opinion.
Reputation risk not only limited to the reputation of a bank, but also to the banking industry. Although 'risk event' occurred in a bank, but the reputation of a product or sector can affect the entire banking industry.
Currently, the risk of increased reputation and impact in terms of speed, that is because the market has global financial and trading occurs 24 hours a day. So that damage to the reputation of a bank can occur at any time and are reported in 'real time' throughout the world.
Calculate the losses due to reputation risk is difficult because the impact of long-term and wide-spread.
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